Apply for Cross-Institutional Studies!

Tampere University, Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) and the Police University College have a cross-institutional agreement that enables their degree students and exchange students to complete certain courses at the partner institutions. The instructions for the Service for Cross-Institutional Studies also apply to students at the School of Vocational Teacher Education at TAMK.


  1. View the study offerings and plan your studies
    • Make sure that you can include the studies in your degree at your home institution
  2. Apply for cross-institutional studies
  3. Read the email instructions carefully
    • Follow the instructions provided
  4. Sign up for courses and follow up on your admittance
    • Sign up for studies according to the instructions
  5. Enjoy your studies!
  6. Your study attainments will be automatically entered in the study records of your home institution
The application period for Cross-Institutional Studies in the current academic year has ended.

The studies offered in the next academic year will be published in the Service for Cross-Institutional Studies on June 1st which replaces the course catalogue of this academic year. However, students can always see the information on the studies they have already applied for in the Service for Cross-Institutional Studies.

The application form for the studies in the academic year opens August 1st.

You can explore the course offerings and options on this website. The range of options will always remain unchanged for one academic year at a time. By registering to the service, you can apply for studies throughout the academic year, provided that you have enrolled as a present student at your home institution. Apply for the studies well in advance to sign up for the courses and exams during the sign-up period. If you have been previously admitted as a cross-institutional student and you wish to apply for additional studies, log in and select your desired additional studies.

Read the instruction carefully through before submitting your application for cross-institutional studies. By following the instructions, you can ensure that the studies you select are appropriate for your degree and that you know how to operate at the target institution. Keep in mind that you must also sign up for the courses and modules according to the instructions.

Please note! You do not need to apply for the right to study through this cross-institutional study service if your own degree/education entitles you to the concerned studies.

Institutional-specific instructions: Please be sure to read the instructions provided by both your home institution and your target institution!
Log in with your TUNI email address and apply for studies
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